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Recipe: Tasty Struffoli Napoletani

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Struffoli Napoletani. It goes far back when I was a little girl helping my grandma' roll and cut the tiny pieces of dough. It's not that complicate as it looks but it does require some time. It takes lots love and patience to make it work Buon Natale e.

Struffoli Napoletani Once the dome is formed add more hot honey to cover your struffoli. Add the funfetti, the candied citron and the orange peel Authentic Struffoli Recipe. There are quite a number of struffoli recipes floating on the web today. You can cook Struffoli Napoletani using 10 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Struffoli Napoletani

  1. You need 500 gr of farina tipo '00.
  2. It's 4 of uova intere.
  3. Prepare 30 gr of zucchero semolato.
  4. You need of Buccia grattugiata di un limone.
  5. It's 80 gr of burro.
  6. Prepare 30 gr of liquore tipo Rum, Strega, oppure liquore all'anice uno di questi o un loro mix.
  7. Prepare 450 gr of miele millefiori o di acacia.
  8. Prepare 1 pizzico of sale.
  9. It's of Olio di semi di arachide per friggere.
  10. Prepare of Confettini a piacere e bucce di arancia candite per decorare.

But basically, struffoli is just fried dough with drizzled honey and topped with sprinkles. Want to take a whack at making some yummy honey balls? Below is an authentic struffoli recipe you can try at home. Drizzle any remaining honey mixture over the struffoli.

Struffoli Napoletani step by step

  1. Lavorare tutti gli ingredienti a mano o con l'aiuto di una planetaria fino ad ottenere un impasto liscio e compatto da far riposare per circa mezz'ora.
  2. Trascorso questo momento di riposo, tagliare l'impasto per ottenere tanti piccoli gnocchetti.
  3. Friggere per immersione in una pentola dai bordi alti con olio di semi di arachide, fino a doratura..
  4. Scolare bene e far raffreddare su carta assorbente.
  5. Una volta freddi, mettere in una padella il miele per farlo sciogliere un po' ed unire i chicchi ottenuti.
  6. Sistemare su un piatto da portata oppure in tanti pirottini e guarnire con monpariglia a piacere.

Decorate with sprinkles and dust with powdered sugar, if using. The struffoli would look more beautiful, perhaps, left burnished but otherwise unadorned, although gaudiness not elegant restraint—I'm firmly told—is in order here; I have tried to maintain. Fry the balls in hot oil till they are golden brown. Remove and put the fried balls in a bowl (with paper towel on bottom) large enough to hold all the struffoli. Remove the paper towel once all struffoli are done.