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Easiest Way to Cook Appetizing Minestra maritata

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Minestra maritata. Minestra maritata is cheap but tasty and very filling, a perfect example of la cucina povera, the cooking of the poor, the kind of stick-to-the-ribs eating that fueled hard-working, hard-scrabble contadini (farmers) and operai (workers) back in the day. It's the kind of thing that was once looked down on by urban middle and upper class. Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil over high heat.

Minestra maritata It's a beautiful dish—dark winter greens and. The minestra maritata recipe is also prepared by the families of Lazio and Campania. Some form of minestra maritata was long popular in Toledo, Spain, before pasta became an affordable commodity to most Spaniards. You can have Minestra maritata using 7 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Minestra maritata

  1. Prepare 2 cespi of scarola bianca.
  2. You need 200 g of pinoli.
  3. You need 200 g of gherigli di noci spezzettate.
  4. You need 8 cucchiai of olio evo.
  5. It's 300 g of uvetta.
  6. Prepare 300 g of olive verdi.
  7. Prepare of sale, pepe bianco.

MINESTRA MARITATA, peasant soup from Calabria. But it does not stop there - minestrone is a thick soup and minestrina is a more delicate or thin soup. All minestre (plural) may or may not have pasta (or pastina) or rice or grains added to thicken them. Minestra maritata refers, instead, to "wedded broths," nuanced flavors betrothed to one another as they are blended and simmered, achieving a liquidy, meaty, vegetal polygamy.

Minestra maritata step by step

  1. Mettete a bagno l’uvetta in un po’ di acqua a temperatura ambiente..
  2. Pulite e mondate la scarola, eliminando la terra e le foglie esterne..
  3. In una padella antiaderente fate tostare i pinoli e le noci spezzettate.
  4. Strizzate e asciugate l’uvetta.
  5. Denocciolate le olive tagliando a pezzi la polpa con un coltello.
  6. Fate scaldare l’olio in una padella, aggiungete la scarola in foglie separate e coprite per una prima stufatura..
  7. Quando il coperchio si chiuderà bene e la scarola si sarà ridotta di volume aggiungete le noci, i pinoli, l’uvetta e le olive, mescolate e fate insaporire a fuoco lento, sempre col coperchio, per circa 45 minuti..
  8. Quando gli ingredienti si saranno amalgamati di sapore, scoprite e fate soffriggere per circa 10 minuti. salate a piacere, pepate, spegnete e servite..

The dish originates in the Italian south, where it takes on many forms. The name minestra maritata actually means "married soup," rather than "wedding soup," and it refers to the "marriage" of flavors in this hearty, savory soup, which was originally intended to be a one-course meal. Minestra Maritata translates to married soup. The ingredients blend or marry well together, hence the name Minestra Maritata. I'm sure that someone not knowledgeable with the Italian language translated it to Italian Wedding Soup.