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Recipe: Delicious Schiacciata Fiorentina

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Schiacciata Fiorentina. Yes, I am taking you to Florence, one of the most romantic cities in the world. Florence or Firenze in Italian, is the capital of Tuscany. Considered one of the best cuisines in the world, Italian cuisine is familiar to almost everyone.

Schiacciata Fiorentina It's light, zesty, festive and incredibly easy to make… which is probably one of the reasons why my daughters love it so much: they can almost make it by themselves. It tastes a lot like focaccia, but unlike the focaccia made in Genoa, Schiacciata does not require a very lengthy process and it can easily be made at home as the dough is really forgiving. Schiacciata alla fiorentina is a typical Florentine sweet flatbread usually baked during Carnival time. You can have Schiacciata Fiorentina using 7 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Schiacciata Fiorentina

  1. You need 125 g of zucchero.
  2. You need 2 of uova.
  3. You need 40 ml of olio.
  4. Prepare 50 ml of latte.
  5. It's 300 g of farina.
  6. Prepare of Il succo di d'arancia più la scorza.
  7. Prepare Bustina of lievito.

This schiacciata, made according to Andrea Bianchini's recipe, is a good compromise between the traditional one made with brewer's fresh yeast, lard and a double rising and the modern home version, often made with olive oil or butter and baking powder. Schiacciata alla Fiorentina or Italian Easter Cake. Schiacciata Fiorentina, elaborada con manteca de cerdo, especias y naranja, espolvoreada con azúcar glas y cacao en polvo. Este dulce de Florencia suele consumirse tradicionalmente en Carnaval , pero ya sabéis que soy de las que considera que a pesar de haber fechas específicas para cada cosa, podemos y debemos disfrutarlo cuando más nos.

Schiacciata Fiorentina instructions

  1. Sbattete le uova con lo zucchero, aggiungete il latte e l'olio...unite il succo di arancia e la scorza, poi setacciate la farina e unitela al composto, infine aggiungete il lievito..
  2. Imburrate una teglia rettangolare versate il composto e cuocetelo per 20 minuti a 180°.
  3. Lasciate raffreddare la schiacciata tagliatela a meta e la farcite...sopra spolverate con lo zucchero a velo.

Schiacciata salata elaborated with olive oil, covered with onion and tomato. It is usually served with charcuterie. Schiacciata coll´uva, a sweet version made with olive oil, grapes and rosemary. And finally, the version I bring you today. Schiacciata Alla Fiorentina, made with lard, spices and orange, sprinkled with icing sugar and cocoa powder.