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How to Make Tasty Canederli

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Canederli. Canederli can be considered part of 'cucina povera' (cuisine of the poor), as they are made of simple and inexpensive ingredients: stale bread moistened with milk and bound with eggs and a small amount of flour. However, the mixture is often enriched with cheese and Speck (a kind of smoked prosciutto also typical of the north-east regions). The "canederli" isn't really a dumpling; it's more like a simple ball of bread, usually stuffed with bacon and cheese cooked in meat broth.

Canederli Canederli with Speck Canederli are the Trentino's version of gnocchi. They are cousins to the Austrian and German knodel and are unique bread based dumplings served in soup or with melted butter and grated cheese. They are a typical traditional dish of the Alto Adige. You can have Canederli using 8 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Canederli

  1. You need 150 g of pane raffermo.
  2. Prepare 100 g of speck.
  3. It's qb of Cipolla,.
  4. Prepare 1 of uovo.
  5. It's 125 ml of latte.
  6. Prepare qb of Farina,.
  7. Prepare of Prezzemolo.
  8. It's of Erba cipollina.

Their origin is part of country cooking when bread, not even a scrap of. Gli gnocchi, come le polpette, sono amati da tutti e si possono cucinare in mille modi diversi a seconda dei gusti e delle zone. Oggi vi portiamo in Trentino-Alto Adige dove da secoli si preparano i Knödel, i canederli! Sostanziosi gnocchi di pane realizzati con pane bianco raffermo, erba cipollina, uova, speck e cipolla (alla tirolese) oppure aggiunta di lucanica affumicata (alla trentina).

Canederli step by step

  1. Tagliate il pane raffermo a dadini e metterlo in una terrina..
  2. Tritate finemente la cipolla e soffriretela con una noce di burro; poi unitevi lo speck tagliato a dadini..
  3. Sbattete L uovo con il latte, aggiungetevi il prezzemolo e L erba cipollina precedentemente tritati ed infine un cucchiaio di farina..
  4. Versate il composto sul pane e mescolate con cura. Lasciatelo riposare circa 15 minuti..
  5. Con le mani bagnate, formate delle palline di impasto, comprimerele per bene e passatele sulla farina..
  6. Cuocete le palline in acqua bollente precedente salata a fuoco basso per 15 minuti..
  7. Scaldate un po' di burro nella padella antiaderente e non appena i canederli saranno pronti, fateli rosolare per qualche minuto...e buon appetito.

Knödel are used in various dishes in Austrian, German, and Czech cuisine. From these regions, knödel spread throughout Europe. Leberknödel are large dumplings made of ground liver and a batter made of bread soaked in milk and seasoned with nutmeg or other spices, boiled in beef stock and served as a soup.; Klöße are also large dumplings, steamed or boiled in hot water, made of dough from. Canederli are bread dumplings found in the northern Trentino-Alto Adige region of Italy. A good way to use up stale bread, the canederli are flavoured with Alpine ingredients such as speck (a local cured meat) and cheese and are best served in a warming beef broth or tossed in brown butter with crispy sage.